Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




Lagos State, Nigeria


about company

We Are

A group of innovative, future focused coaches and consultants dedicated to redefining performance and ensuring value. We do this through our unique coaching, development strategies and consulting methodologies. All with the aim of unleashing potential and sustainable growth for success.

SkillSultants is a group of passionate coaches and consultants dedicated to the pursuit and concept of Redefining Performance.

SkillSultants achieves this through personal coaching, training and seminars and consulting all with the aim of unleashing our clients’ potential, helping them get from where they are to where they want to be.

Since its establishment in January 2017, SkillSultants has creatively and innovatively empowered individual and organizational change for performance success and fulfilment of specified goals and objectives.

With a team boasting decades of experience, best practice and repeatable results in the coaching and consulting space, SkillSultants has become an ingenious, Return On Investment (ROI) establishment that ensures long term value and sustainable results for its clients at local and global scale.

We have led and implemented global sales and marketing excellence and transformation programs, designed, and delivered sales training and commercial excellence programs, coached clients globally, run workshops on inter-personal skills and lectured at universities.

Oluwatoyin Ademola

Chief Growth Officer

Explore More...

Since its establishment in January 2017, SkillSultants has equipped and empowered individuals , teams and businesses with the strategies and tools for intentional success.

With a team that has extensive multicultural , multiregional experience and reputable results in the coaching , development and consulting space, SkillSultants has become an ingenious, Return On Investment (ROI) guaranteed firm that ensures long term value & sustainable results for our clients on a local , regional and global scale. We have designed, developed, led and implemented various global and regional transformative programmes as relevant to specific businesses coached and mentored cross cultural clients and also led career guidance sessions for Universities.

and NFP's


We provide our clients with the tools , strategies and methodology for redefining their own terms for success


Empowering future focused transformation & growth for all our clients one day at a time .


Partnering with our clients to co- create sustainable growth, using best practices and a high level of professionalism, while still having fun.
what we've done


We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.

Return on Input
Progress on
Return on Investment
achievement on
all objectives
main principles

Global Reach with Local Understanding

In healthy companies, changing directions or launching new projects means combining underlying strengths and capacities with new.

marketing analysis
finance strategy
business innovation

functional areas of expertise

Start – Ups
Team Leads

C-level Executives
Managing Directors
Company Owners

Leadership Development

Functional Heads


Cultural Transformation


What People Say About Us

We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.

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