Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




Lagos State, Nigeria


Coaching Packages

The Executive Coaching Experience

  • Establish Relationship
  • Chemistry/Rapport assessment session
  • Initial Session
  • Goal Setting
  • Establishment of ICF Agreements
  • Assessment (if requested)
  • Agreement of objectives
  • Coaching sessions
  • Check in & Follow up
  • Session goals to be agreed
  • Coaching on goals
  • Agreement on Accountability measures
  • Sessions agreement (regular 1 hour sessions every 2 -3 weeks)
  • 9 – 12 sessions recommended
  • Agreement on Structure of Sessions (Blended)
  • Between Sessions
  • Intentionality Drive (Consciously trying new ways of doing things )
  • Observe results of new behaviors
  • Alignment with Coach & Sponsor
  • Calls /emails as needed
  • Evaluation & Close
  • Closure Assessment
  • ROI evaluation & Assessment
  • Final session
    • Celebration of achievements
    • Future planning
Coaching Packages

The Authentic You Coaching Experience

  • Establish Relationship
  • Chemistry/Rapport assessment session
  • Initial Session
  • Goal Setting
  • Establishment of ICF Agreements
  • Assessment (if requested)
  • Agreement of objectives
  • Coaching sessions
  • Check in & Follow up
  • Session goals to be agreed
  • Coaching on goals
  • Agreement on Accountability measures
  • Sessions agreement (regular 1 hour sessions every 2 -3 weeks)
  • 9 – 12 sessions recommended
  • Agreement on Structure of Sessions (Blended)
  • Between Sessions
  • Intentionality Drive (Consciously trying new ways of doing things )
  • Observe results of new behaviors
  • Alignment with Coach & Sponsor
  • Calls /emails as needed
  • Evaluation & Close
  • Closure Assessment
  • ROI evaluation & Assessment
  • Final session
    • Celebration of achievements
    • Future planning
Coaching Packages

The Accelerator Coaching Experience

  • Establish Relationship
  • Chemistry/Rapport assessment session
  • Initial Session
  • Goal Setting
  • Establishment of ICF Agreements
  • Assessment (if requested)
  • Agreement of objectives
  • Coaching sessions
  • Check in & Follow up
  • Session goals to be agreed
  • Coaching on goals
  • Agreement on Accountability measures
  • Sessions agreement (regular 1 hour sessions every 2 -3 weeks)
  • 9 – 12 sessions recommended
  • Agreement on Structure of Sessions (Blended)
  • Between Sessions
  • Intentionality Drive (Consciously trying new ways of doing things )
  • Observe results of new behaviors
  • Alignment with Coach & Sponsor
  • Calls /emails as needed
  • Evaluation & Close
  • Closure Assessment
  • ROI evaluation & Assessment
  • Final session
    • Celebration of achievements
    • Future planning

Range of offers (Package Dependent)

Package A

Duration – 6 Months
  • 12 Coaching sessions
  • 3 Meetings with Sponsor
  • Check in Conversations/ Emails (Unlimited)
  • Assessments 360 plus report
  • Access to information
  • Frameworks & Templates

Package B

Duration – 6 Months
  • 8 Coaching sessions
  • 3 Meetings with Sponsor
  • Calls / e- mails as needed
  • Assessments 360 plus report

Package C

Duration – 4 Months
  • 1 Two hour session per month
  • Calls / e- mails as needed in between
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