Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




Lagos State, Nigeria


V.A.T.O.R. ™

The V.A.T.O.R. ™ Pitch Coaching & Training Programme

The V.A.T.O.R.™ Pitch” is the difference between speaking and getting the actual deal. The V.A.T.O.R.™ Pitch is a new and very agile methodology that can be adapted and used by professionals, business owners, Coaches, Sales Guru’s Marketing Guru’s, in Negotiations, by presenters , basically by anyone who has to be persuasive in everyday professional life.
V.A.T.O.R. ™

This empowerment programme will bridge the gap between external and internal stakeholders irrespective of their levels.

The ‘V.A.T.O.R.™ Pitch helps us to ACE the art of a powerful introduction by defining who we are, what we do and expected outcomes all in a masterful pitch. Because future focused professionals tend to be more forward thinking, visionary, positive, progressive, our pitches have to also reflect this. The way stakeholders engage, however, has changed. Engaging an internal or an external stakeholder irrespective of reason, product , service or idea can take place anywhere–in traditional meetings, on the phone, through email, or even through social media. Pitches are no longer a one-way street. Instead, the most successful sales interactions are rooted in simplicity, honesty, and a collaborative exchange of ideas.
When you provide real value to an individual prospect, you become a trusted advisor. This helps you will gain their trust and build a solid relationship individual prospect, you become a trusted advisor. This helps you will gain their trust and build a solid relationship.
To do this, though, you need easy access to the right insights for each prospect you talk with.
Before, getting a deal done or persuading a potential client was based on having tons of charisma and an excellent product or service.
Today, the art of persuasion and getting the deal done is all about building and maintaining relationships tting the deal done is all about building and maintaining relationships.
our benefits

Why Clients Choose Us


We’ve been a strategy thought leader for nearly five decades and we bring unrivaled


We’ve been a strategy thought leader for nearly five decades and we bring unrivaled


We’ve been a strategy thought leader for nearly five decades and we bring unrivaled


We’ve been a strategy thought leader for nearly five decades and we bring unrivaled

Reach out to us today.

reliable & safe

Our Strategy Development

We are working in the format of an outsourcing project office. We assume operational coordination and control over the compliance with all project implementation parameters that ensures the execution of works on time.

Integrated career development, business consulting and digital media solutions connect your vision to results. Instead of quick-fix, out of the box, buy-in-bulk products, I develop highly customized solutions.

We can definitely define the provided level and range of Synergy Development Consulting as a full-cycle support. Therefore, we treat each client as an equal partner in the long term. Our team consists of talented and motivated people who are united by love to their work!

Integrated career development, business consulting and digital media solutions connect your vision to results. Instead of quick-fix, out of the box, buy-in-bulk products, I develop highly customized solutions.

Successful experience of experts in structuring investment projects, developing and implementing construction, developers and energy projects, restructuring programs, etc. provides a positive impact on your company profitability.

Integrated career development, business consulting and digital media solutions connect your vision to results. Instead of quick-fix, out of the box, buy-in-bulk products, I develop highly customized solutions.

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