Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




Lagos State, Nigeria


The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.
The International Coaching Community states that Coaching builds awareness empowers choice and leads to change.
At Skillsultants, we define coaching as a trusted consultative partnership that leads to awareness and positive change.
Our Coaching programmes are customized after a conversation with Us and can delivered globally.

Our coaching offering includes but are not limited to:

Business Coaching

Business Coaching is the process used to transform a business from its current state to a future state of sustainable growth, positive change and profitability. (From where it currently is to where the business owner wants it to be).

Executive & Leadership Coaching

Executive coaching is the ultimate in tailored leadership development, we partner with companies, Executives and senior individuals in a non-directional consultative coaching relationship is transformational, creative and impacts the bottom line.

Business Consulting

Successful experience of experts in structuring investment projects, developing and implementing.

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Project Management

We are working in the format of an outsourcing project office. We assume operational coordination.

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our benefits

Why Clients Choose Us


We’ve been a strategy thought leader for nearly five decades and we bring unrivaled


We’ve been a strategy thought leader for nearly five decades and we bring unrivaled


We’ve been a strategy thought leader for nearly five decades and we bring unrivaled


We’ve been a strategy thought leader for nearly five decades and we bring unrivaled

reliable & safe

Our Strategy Development

We are working in the format of an outsourcing project office. We assume operational coordination and control over the compliance with all project implementation parameters that ensures the execution of works on time.

Integrated career development, business consulting and digital media solutions connect your vision to results. Instead of quick-fix, out of the box, buy-in-bulk products, I develop highly customized solutions.

We can definitely define the provided level and range of Synergy Development Consulting as a full-cycle support. Therefore, we treat each client as an equal partner in the long term. Our team consists of talented and motivated people who are united by love to their work!

Integrated career development, business consulting and digital media solutions connect your vision to results. Instead of quick-fix, out of the box, buy-in-bulk products, I develop highly customized solutions.

Successful experience of experts in structuring investment projects, developing and implementing construction, developers and energy projects, restructuring programs, etc. provides a positive impact on your company profitability.

Integrated career development, business consulting and digital media solutions connect your vision to results. Instead of quick-fix, out of the box, buy-in-bulk products, I develop highly customized solutions.

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